Decreases The Effects Of Stress

When we get injured, our bodies swell.

Has anyone ever told you to use the RICE method?

Rest, ice, compress, elevate?

That's an old trend, and I'm telling you right now that not all trends need to continue, and some of them definitely don't need to make a comeback.

Pain comes from the inside; it comes from inflammation.

Inflammation can come from several reasons, whether it's an injury, poor diet, stress, or even allergic reaction.

Chiropractic adjustment reduces inflammation by increasing blood flow, taking pressure off of restricted joints, and allowing your nervous system to communicate and run the show.

Health is an inside job.

Here at Monumental Chiropractic, we've been able to help thousands of patients reduce their pain and function at a higher level.


Low Back Pain is NOT NORMAL


Adjustments Grind & Crack Your Bones?