OUCH! My knee!

1/3 of all Americans

report experiencing knee pain at some point during their life. That is MILLIONS of people suffering from an acute injury to the knee or dealing with long-term or chronic knee pain.

Main Causes of Knee Pain

  • arthritis - osteoarthritis (typically occurs with age or injury) or rheumatoid arthritis

  • injury to the ligaments or meniscus - commonly seen in athletes or people who are active

  • bursitis - found in those whose profession requires prolonged kneeling (plumbers, flooring experts, gardeners, etc.)

  • runner’s or jumper’s knee - caused by overuse of the knee and usually found in athletes

Sound Familiar? We can help!

Our office offers adjustments for your entire leg, cold laser therapy, as well as strengthening and stretching exercises for your condition! The end goal is always to decrease pain and inflammation, rehabilitate the affected area, and restore your body to its optimal health and wellness.

Contact us below to get started!


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I have SCIATICA - now what?!