Behind the Scenes Queens


Meet our Behind the Scenes Queens!

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These ladies work behind the scenes (mainly) to keep our office running! Get to know more about them below!

Devin Dumas

Devin grew up in the Seattle area and went to college at Central Washington University where she played volleyball for the Wildcats. She met Dr. Dumas at CWU and moved to Dallas and then Colville with him to make their dreams of opening a chiropractic office a reality! In the office, Devin is our do-it-all, solve-it-all Wonder Woman! She is passionate about making sure the rest of the team can be effective and efficient in their jobs.

Devin loves hanging out with Dr. Skyler and Rae, and she is currently growing baby #2 who we will get to meet in February! She loves traveling and exploring new places, spending time with her family and friends, and cheering on the Seahawks!

Brooke Birch

Brooke was born and raised in Colville. She graduated from CHS as a 12 year senior!

She is the office’s case manager, social media specialist, and helps with staff training. Brooke likes to spend time at home with the people she loves most! She is an avid coffee consumer, baker and TV show binger, AND #1 cat cuddler! Her goal outside of work is to rescue and find homes for as many animals as possible. Her boyfriend, Blake, supports this goal by never saying no to a new cat and encouraging her to adopt as much as she can <3

Rianne Brannan

Dr. Rianne was born and raised in Texas, so this last week of FRIGID weather has been shocking to say the least! She is Dr. Jack’s wife and Chynna’s older sister. She went to chiropractic school with Dr. Skyler and Dr. Jack, and up until May 2022, she was our pregnancy and pediatric guru! Since she welcomed their little girl, Kalea, Dr. Rianne has been working from home. She has helped the office by communicating with and verifying insurances, working on patient statements, sending out emails, and updating our website’s blog!

Dr. Rianne loves spending her days with Kalea, trying out new recipes at home for Dr. Jack, being in the sunshine with her pups, reading for Books and Bubbly, and binge watching tv shows!

These women complete many of the duties that are unseen but still vital to keep our office functioning at its best.

Next time you see them in the office, give them a high five or fist bump and let them know how great they are doing! They would really appreciate the recognition and love!


Meet Our Docs!