The Bittersweet Truth about Sugar

The Bittersweet Truth about Sugar

We all know consuming too much sugar can cause health issues like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and even liver problems.

But did you know the effect sugar has on your brain? Research has shown that sugar can be as addictive as, if not more than, drugs like cocaine and heroin.

The Science

When we ingest sweets or sugary beverages, our brains release HUGE amounts of dopamine. Dopamine is known as the “feel-good” hormone. Our brain releases dopamine, we feel good, and we begin to seek more of that feeling. That’s why it can be difficult to eat only one Oreo or walk away from the cupcakes at a birthday party.

How can TOO MUCH sugar affect our health?

Having a diet that is high in added sugar can lead to:

  • diabetes — specifically Type 2

  • cognitive issues like dementia

  • cardiovascular disease

  • increased inflammation

    high blood pressure

  • kidney and liver disease

  • being overweight or obese

  • pain in joints and back

Tips to KICK those sugar cravings

  • Fridge and pantry clean out — removing the temptation from your home will decrease the chances of you eating those sweets you love!

    Eat a protein-rich breakfast! Protein keeps your blood sugar levels stable while providing you with lots of energy.

  • Use healthy substitutes. Stevia, raw honey, and maple syrup are our favorites! Avoid anything with aspartame in it.

  • Get better sleep. Studies show those who sleep poorly consume significantly higher amounts of sugar — most likely to give them that “feel-good” feeling and feel more awake.

  • Talk to your chiropractor to help with those joint aches and pains.

  • Get an accountability partner! It’s always easier when you have someone to check in with!


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